Hey Guys, I haven't posted in a while, and here's why. I think I'm moving on to instagram and Tumblr. I might continue posting but I'm not so sure, It's mainly because I don't really get enough views or likes, I'm just gonna say that I really like others appreciation. I just looked at my newgrounds account after like 2 months, I just noticed that I have a more views on my art, so I guess I can continue posting. I tried posting on reddit but, the bots keep removing my art because I think they said that the bots think its a spam or scam Idk. I tried posting on twitter but I got no likes on my art at all. I mean it's not like I'm famous or anything of course no one knows about me. I post on Tumblr because I actually get pretty good amount of likes, as well as instagram. For now I will post something new, just a small drawing and yeah. anyway if you want to know what my instagram account is it's, miniwarrior0606, with the name Hector Luna. And my Tumblr account is lunabro666, I know it's a pretty dumb name, but anyway those are my art accounts. Thank you for reading, anyway see ya!